Basically a fever is a normal response of the immune system that is fighting infections due to viruses, bacteria or parasites. However, the fever in the Little One often makes the Mommy to be feeling worried. The febrifuge is a quick solution, given so that the Little One can feel comfortable and healthy again.
According to many experts, fever is one of the body's defense mechanisms against infection. Fever is needed for body cells, which function against the germs that cause disease, to work optimally.
Fever is a symptom, not a disease. Actually what is the body temperature which is categorized as fever? The Little One can be said to have a fever if:
Measurement of temperature through the armpits, ears, and forehead is certainly easier to do than through the rectum and mouth. However, the results are less accurate.
Generally, fever will cause discomfort for the Little One. These symptoms can cause behavioral changes, such as fussiness, and decreased appetite because fever triggers the release of chemicals that cause nausea.
To overcome the inconvenience of the Little One, Mommy can give the Little One a febrifuge (antipyretic) like paracetamol (acetaminophen). However, keep in mind that the drug only works to lower body temperature, not overcome the main illness.
Is every time your Little One's body temperature increases, the Little One should be given a drug immediately? Preferably, a febrifuge is given when the body temperature reaches > 38o C when measured from the armpits. If the body temperature is ≤38o C, Mommy can apply a compress to the Little One using warm water and increase the water intake. For this condition, febrifuge can mask symptoms and make it difficult to determine the cause of the fever.
When should the Little One be taken to the doctor? Immediately bring the Little One to the doctor if:
Fever can be prevented by applying a clean lifestyle. This is done to reduce the exposure to infectious diseases that often trigger the occurrence of fever. Get used to wash hands thoroughly after every activity.
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