When Mom is entering the third trimester pregnancy, can’t wait to meet your beloved baby. But, at the same time, it’s often that various rushes and worries suddenly come, starting from taking care of Mom’s health and the fetus to preparation of the baby's treatment after birth. Various questions in Mom’s thoughts about little one’s health and safety are adding more anxiety and even lead to stress. Though, knowing about every anxieties that Mom’s feels, Mom can go through the last pregnancy period with more optimism and calm. Here below are some of the common questions that Mom usually asks when pregnant that Morinaga Platinum summarize.
Can the Third Trimester Pregnancy Sleeping in the Supine Position?
Supine sleeping isn’t recommended for pregnant Moms who are in the third trimester pregnancy, because the uterus is heavier so it could press the blood vessels which can lead to lack of blood flow to the fetus. Try to sleep sideways, especially left. This is because the uterus is naturally spinning to the right so sleeping on the left side is considered to be the best choice so it’s not press the uterus.
How if the fetus stops moving?
The fetus movement is one of the signs that the fetus is in a good condition. But, in the third trimester, the fetus movement changes often. If in the previous trimester the fetus likes to punch or flick, then in this third trimester, it likes to spin around so it makes Mom’s tummy look bulged on one side.
If Mom feels the fetus is not moving at all like usual, then Mom needs to eat and then lay down sideways to the left. If in two hours the fetus is still not moving for 10 times, contact the doctor immediately. The doctor will do a contraction test or even biophysical profile.
How if the amniotic fluid is very less?
During pregnancy, the fetus who grows inside the uterus is surrounded by a protective fluid called amniotic fluids. These fluids have so many functions for the fetus, such as temperature control, as a lubricant, support umbilical cord, and infection control. Mom should be watching the amniotic fluid volume when pregnancy checks up. Usually, if the amniotic fluid is less, The obstetrician or midwife will check Mom’s pregnancy condition to make sure that the fetus is growing normally. But, if the oligohidramnion happens at the final pregnancy period, it’s possible the obstetrician will do a birth induction.
How if the pregnant mom experienced Preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia is a serious condition which is when the high blood pressure and abnormality protein level in urine after 20 weeks pregnancy. On check up, generally Mom’s blood pressure and urine protein level will be checked. Besides the check up, preeclampsia also can be seen from the symptoms like severe headache, pain under the rib cage, vision problems, swelling ankle, face and hands. In this condition, giving birth is the only way Mom’s can do to handle preeclampsia. Usually, the handling that can be done to pregnant Moms at the age of 37 to 38 weeks of pregnancy.
How to prevent Preeclampsia
When Mom is entering the third trimester pregnancy, think positively and optimistic that your delivery will go through well and Mom and the baby is in a healthy condition. Apply the healthy lifestyle so the baby can be born healthy. Fulfill the pregnancy daily nutrients with consuming foods that contain magnesium, folic acid, Vitamin D, omega-3, and omega-6.
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