Recognize the Signs of Teething and Anticipate the Irritability of the Little One

Morinaga Platinum ♦ 1 May 2017

Recognize the Signs of Teething and Anticipate the Irritability of the Little One

For the Little One, the teething process actually begins since they are still in the womb, initiating with the tooth buds. However, teeth will initially begin to appear when the Little One is four to seven months old. There are also infants whose teeth can begin to show faster, starting at the age of three months. Furthermore, there are also those whose teeth appear later, at the age of approximately one year old.

Generally, teeth will grow sequentially, beginning with the two front teeth on the lower jaw, followed by the two front teeth on the upper jaw, and eventually the other teeth will grow one by one on the sides and back of the oral cavity. The last teeth to appear are the second molar teeth on the back of the oral cavity, both in the upper and lower jaw. These molar teeth will start to grow as the child reaches the age of three years old. After that, the child will have a full set of teeth, comprising of 20 milk teeth.

Recognize the Signs of Teething

Some children and adults can successfully pass through the teething phase without any drama. However, many still experience an uncomfortable process, both for the Little One as well as their parents. This discomfort appears due to the teething process that is felt by the Little One since one to two months before the teeth actually begins to appear. The signs and symptoms of this include:

  • Gums become swollen and sensitive. When touched, the gum area where the teeth will grow feels hard.
  • The Little One is easily irritable
  • The Little One experiences eating and sleeping difficulties
  • Secretion of plenty of saliva that causes the appearance of a reddish rash in the facial area. Therefore, do not allow saliva to stick to the skin for a long time, and immediately clean it.
  • The Little One enjoys biting and chewing objects, especially hard objects.

Ease the Discomfort for the Little One with These Methods

The symptoms of teething mentioned above can potentially disturb the activities of the Little One. Conduct the following management steps to ease the discomfort for the Little One:

  • Massage the gums of the infant. Massaging the gums of the infant can help to ease the tooth pain. Before doing so, parents should wash their hands until they are clean. Massage the gums of the infant gently with slight pressure. The pressure from the fingers of parents can balance the pressure from underneath the gum, where the tooth is located.
  • Provide chewing toys. It is suggested to select toys that are made of food grade materials and paints, in order for it to be safe for the Little One.
  • Serve snacks with hard texture. An example is biscuits. The Little One can bite it as well as obtain additional nutrients.
  • Apply a specific gel. This can be done to relieve gum pain. Gel can only be used in infants older than 4 months.
  • Serve cold and soothing food. For Little Ones who are already receiving complementary food, parents can serve solid food with a slightly cold temperature, such as yoghurt, fruit puree, or pudding.
  • Provide pain relievers. This can be done if the symptoms are very disturbing. Parents can provide acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen.
  • Provide a saliva mat. Ensure that saliva does not stick to the skin for a long period of time, as this may lead to rashes. If rashes have already appeared, parents can apply vaseline or cream containing zinc oxide to manage it.

Teething is a phase that the Little One has to go through as they become older. The main preparation for parents is to remain calm and conduct the tips mentioned above.