The Quality of the Digestive Tract is the Reflection of Your Little One's Health

Morinaga Platinum ♦ 26 July 2024

The Quality of the Digestive Tract is the Reflection of Your Little One's Health

The Little One’s health must be a priority for Mommy. However, we often neglect to pay attention to the health of the digestive tract. In fact, the digestive tract plays a very important role for the overall health of the body. Why is that? The digestive tract serves to digest food from the mouth to the intestines, and absorb nutrients for brain development and increasing immunity.

Then, what are the characteristics of a healthy digestion? Notice the following four things:

  • The Little One who has a healthy gastrointestinal tract generally grows healthy and cheerful because all the nutrients are absorbed to the maximum.
  • The Little One who defecates smoothly. He/she also does not experience nausea and vomiting.
  • The Little One’s body immunity is good. This is caused by the number of mucus cells in the gastrointestinal tract that serves against germs entering body through food. So, if the gastrointestinal tract is not healthy, then the immune system is not able to fight the disease so the Little One can get sick easily.
  • The Little One’s gastrointestinal tract has a balance of micro biota (microorganisms that live in the human body), between good and bad. If the balance is not good and the number of the bad micro biota is more numerous, then the condition can be a predisposing factor for disease to occur.

Mommy should also be aware of the presence of digestive disorders in the Little One because mild complaints can be serious if not managed properly. What are the characteristics of the Little One who has an indigestion? Check out the following:

  • Spitting up. According to the Indonesian Pediatricians Association (IDAI), about 60% of 4-month-olds experience spitting up at least 1 time per day and will decrease with age. In a small percentage of infants, spitting up is still experienced until the age of 12 months.
  • Constipation. The Little One can be said as having a constipation when he/she is not having a bowel movement not more than three times a week. If constipation is accompanied by symptoms of tension in the stomach, abdominal bloating, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody bowel movements, immediately take the Little One to see a doctor.
  • Bloating. Often occurs after the Little One eats gassy foods, such as cabbage, or broccoli. The Little One who swallows food too fast is also at risk of swallowing extra air that can cause gas in the stomach. Although normal, gas in the stomach can cause abdominal pain and bloating. Consult a doctor if the Little One is bloating with abdominal pain.

Maintenance of the health of the gastrointestinal tract should be started early. Make sure that the Little One gets enough fluids, fibrous food intake, and is moving actively. Mommy can also provide the Little One with nutrients containing Bifidobacterium longum BB536, Bifidobacterium breve M16-V and lactulose prebiotics (food for good bacteria) that can help increase the population of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract so that the health of the Little One is maintained thoroughly.

If Mommy is worried about the condition of your Little One's digestion, do not hesitate to contact a pediatrician.