Good child growth can be seen from the changes in the size and shape of their body parts. For instance, an increase in the height and body weight. On the other hand, the development of the child is characterized by the presence of mental, emotional, psychosocial, and other developments. The growth and development process of the Little One will not be optimal if it is not supported by their surroundings, including their parents.
Parents have a responsibility in guiding and equipping the Little One with various positive things that can optimize their growth and development. The following things should be noted by parents in an effort to support the growth and development process of the Little One:
Good growth and development begins with good nutrition. Provide exclusive breast milk until the infant is six months of age. After that, parents can give solid complementary food while continuing breast milk until the age of two years.
When the nutritional requirements of the Little One are well met, their physical growth as well as brain and intelligence development will be optimal. Food and drinks with complete and balanced nutritional contents will also provide energy for the Little One who is actively playing, studying, and exploring their environment. Keep in mind, healthy eating habits should be instilled early in the Little One.
Foster honourable values in the Little One at an early age. Teach them about respect, responsibility, integrity, caring, sharing, and other honourable values. Parents can encourage the Little One to participate in social community activities. This will teach them about caring and sharing. With advances in the modern age and availability of internet facilities, parents face a greater challenge in educating children. Ensure that the honourable values fostered in the Little One are accompanied by providing examples in everyday life to ensure that they are accustomed to practice them.
A harmonious relationship between parents and their child will be created if the communication between both parties is well established. In addition, communication is a means for parents to express their affection to their child. With effective communication, the Little One will feel safe, comfortable, and loved.
In a book titled The 5 Love Languages, Gary Chapman reveals the five love languages that can also be applied to the relationship between parents and the Little One to optimize their growth and development. These five love languages are discussed in the following points:
To ensure that the growth and development process of the Little One proceeds optimally, they require nutrition and positive stimulation from their environment, particularly from parents. Ensure that the Little One receives all the things they need to grow and become a healthy, strong, and independent individual.
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