Genetic factors still rank first in determining the growth and development of a child. However, environmental factors (or stimulations) also play a role that is not less important. Environmental factors have influenced the growth and development process of the Little One since they were still in the womb. If they are exposed to diseases or toxic substances, such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, or infections, it is feared that disorders in the growth and development of the fetus may occur.
The importance of environmental factors in the growth and development process is also supported by the results of various studies which found that children from the same ancestry who were raised in different ways had different levels of intelligence and academic performance.
The brain of the Little One is made up of a hundred billion nerve cells, which eventually form synapses (connections between nerve cells). The more synapses that are formed, the more intelligent the child is. These synapses will be formed if the Little One receives enough stimulations from their environment.
Two factors supporting the growth and development process of the Little One are nutrition and stimulation. Parents should fulfill the nutritional requirements of the Little One by providing them with a balanced food intake every day. With good nutrition, the Little One is ready to receive lessons from their environment. An undernourished child will be easily tired, fall ill, and have difficulties concentrating.
An initial stimulation that can be provided by parents is by showing their affection to the Little One. A child that is raised in an affectionate environment will grow to become an independent and confident individual with better cognitive, behavioural, and emotional skills.
Parents should also encourage the Little One to participate in good and healthy socializing. Socializing means that the Little One will have the opportunity to sharpen their EQ, which is required in facing everyday situations. A high IQ should be matched with a high EQ as well. This will be an asset for the Little One to face global challenges.
How does that sound? The correct stimulations are highly pertinent for the growth and development of the child, so parents and the surroundings of the Little One should ensure that they receive adequate and quality stimulations according to their age.
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