Infectious diseases can be transmitted through various ways. Knowing and understanding how to transmit the disease will be useful for Mommy so you can develop the prevention strategies needed. Thus, the health of your Little One will remain be protected. Here are 4 ways of transmission of top infections in schools.
Germs that cause infectious diseases can live in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs. Cold, influenza, measles, rubella, pertussis, and tuberculosis are examples of diseases that spread through this method. The germs are easy to move from a person's nose or mouth is in hand, and of course to objects around the patient
In addition to washing hands, teach your Little One to cover sneezing or coughing with your inner elbows or disposable wipes (don't use your hands).
Contact with sufferers can occur directly and indirectly. Direct contact for example touching mucus from a disease condition, such as eye inflammation of conjunctivitis which is characterized by red, itchy, runny eyes, and lots of eye dirt. Indirect touches occur through goods, such as towels, clothes etc. Examples of the disease are fungi, several viral diseases, and skin diseases.
In addition to hand washing, prevention can be done by avoiding borrowing goods that are used personally.
For diseases to spread, dirt that contains these germs must be carried to the mouth and swallowed, even though in very small amounts we are not aware of particles of human excrement entering the food.
Get used to wash your hands with soap thoroughly and a minimum duration of 30 seconds to prevent transmission.
Contaminated food and drinks can be a medium to move germs to other people. Types of diseases that occur from this mode of transmission include cholera, dysentery (bloody defecation), intestinal worms, etc.
In addition to washing hands, bringing snacks or lunch from home is one way to prevent your Little One from getting the disease.
Maintaining the nutritional intake of your Little One is also important so that he/she is not easily infected with the disease at school. Provide nutrients containing lactoferrin to increase the body's immune system so that he/she is not easily affected by coughs and colds. Also give probiotics and prebiotics to your Little One.
Lactoferrin has various functions including as an antimicrobial, a regulator of iron absorption in the intestine, and a regulator of the body's immune system. Lactoferrin works on white blood cells to provide immunity. With a maximum immune system, your Little One will not be infected more severely from viruses and bacteria in the digestive tract and respiratory tract. Your Little one will be prevented from experiencing a diarrhea, gastrointestinal infection, cough and cold.
Probiotics are good bacteria that the body needs while prebiotics are foods for these good bacteria. The combination of probiotics and prebiotics is useful so that your Little One is not prone to have diarrhea or constipation easily and to improve absorption of nutrients so that the immune system will increase.
Please do remember Mommy, the adoption of healthy habits such as routine hand washing after every activity or covering the cough and sneezing with the inner elbow are very effective in reducing the transmission of infection.
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