Child Care

Train the Children’s Speech Ability according to Their Age

Morinaga Platinum - 24 January 2019

Train the Children’s Speech Ability according to Their Age

Since in the womb, the fetuses have been able to hear various voices – especially Moms’ voices that became their favorite voice. Moms could begin to provide early stimulation by talking to them. You could tell about your daily activities, sing, and read them a fairy tale or scripture. In order to find out whether your children are having speech delay, Moms should know the stages of a normal speech development first.

Speech and Language Development

Children aged 9-12 months are able to produce sounds and say “Mommy” and “Daddy”. They also seem to be interested with voices and begin to recognize the names of some objects

At the age of 12-15 months, their babbling ability increase, such as “baba, dada, nana”, able to copy the sound from other people, begin to be able to say a short word like “eat”, as well as able to understand a simple instruction.

Children’s ability to speak will increase at the age of 18-24 months. They have at least 20 vocabularies and this will increase to 50 when they reach the age of 2 years. They are also able to combine 2 words, such as “want eat”. Reaching the age of 2, they can also recognize various objects and names their closest persons. Not only that, they can understand and carry out two instructions at once.

Reaching the age of 2-3 years, children can combine 3 or more words into a sentence. They also recognize names of colors and adjectives (such as big-small, cold-hot).

Most children will be able to go through this development process well and over time their speech ability will match the adults’. However, Moms still have to provide them with the proper stimulation to help improve their speech ability.

The Stimulations that You Could Provide

Between the age of 0-3 months

Children are interested in the voice that they often heard when they were still in the womb. What else if not your voice, Moms? The easiest stimulation that Moms and the closest persons could do is singing. Moms could also speak to them as if they are able to respond.

Age of 3-6 months

Try to carry your children while looking into their eyes. Smile and talk to them. Moms could also respond to them by babbling back to them.

Between the age of 6-9 months

Moms could play peek-a-boo with them, point at various objects and mention the name at the same time, you could also get them to see in the mirror and say, “Who is this? This is … (mention your children ’s name)”.

In addition to that, read them a story can also stimulate them. Do it while pointing at the right picture. This will also increase their vocabulary.

Age of 9-12 months

If the children have entered this age group, they can be taught words followed by body movement. For example, the word “yes”, followed by nodding the head; “no” is followed by shaking the head; and “bye bye”, by waving.

Moms could also begin to introduce a simple game “This is Mommy”. It is very easy, while pointing at yourself, say, “This is Mommy.” You could also do this to your spouse by pointing at him and say, “This is Daddy.” Children can also be taught the names of body parts such as eyes, nose, and others, of course while pointing at those body parts.

Age of 12 -15 months

This is the age when children like to explore. Moms could teach them more names of objects around the children. When reading them a book, you could mention a word and ask them to point at the picture.

Another activity that you could do with the children is by asking them their favorite toy.

Age of 18-24 months

Children in this age group are able to follow a simple instruction like putting cup on the table, wearing shoes, and so on. Moms could play a doll with them, ask them to carry the doll and take it for a walk. Moms could also begin to teach them to sing some children’s songs.

Age of 2-3 years

Generally, the children’s speech ability is getting better that you could interact with them. If you want, you could introduce them to letters and numbers, but keep in mind to not be too ambitious to the point that they must memorize the letters.

Ask your children to do role play, find a role that they like and get involved in the play. For example, the children as chef and Moms as the customers.

Don’t forget to keep this stimulation session to stay pleasant so your children don’t feel like they are actually studying. Don’t get discouraged of your children are unable to do what you ask them to do. The important thing is to do it occasionally until they understand. Good luck!

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