Child Care

Some Tips to Educate Your Children to be Smart

Morinaga Platinum - 19 July 2023

Some Tips to Educate Your Children to be Smart

Every parent must dream to have an intelligent child. However, shaping your child intelligence would absolutely require extra efforts, Moms. In addition to applying positive habits to your children, Moms should also do some activities that can stimulate their intelligence. Then what should be done so your child could grow up to be smart? Let’s take a look at the following tips!

Show Your Affection

Moms’ affection towards the children is apparently very helpful in their brain development. Therefore, do not hesitate to show your affection through smiles, encouraging words, caresses, kisses, and warm hugs. Children who receive more affection would be easier to socialize with their friends and learn better at school.

Train Their Communication Skill

Communicating with your children should be your mandatory routine, even when they are still in the womb. Even though they are still not able to understand well, a good communication can exercise their response, so children would get used to show their expression to respond to your words.

Read Them Stories

Moms, reading your child stories does not regard on their age. The earlier the child is introduced to books the more benefits can be achieved. At least, by reading stories, the child would find various vocabularies and knowledge as well as making your relationship to be stronger.

Sing and Play Together

Singing is not only fun, but can also improve your child’s intelligence. Moms could choose songs with cheerful tone and contain words that are easy to remember. Ask them to play some simple instruments can be also your option to train their right brain. By playing, children could train their brain and motor skills. In addition to that, Moms could also find out their hobbies and talents by playing together.

Practicing Discipline Wisely

Practicing discipline in their daily life, such as eating in front of the dining table, sleeping on time, removing sandals when on bed, and many else, is the opportunity for Moms to teach the children about discipline and courtesy. However, practicing discipline does not mean that Moms should be harsh and using intimidating tone. Set limits and keep reminding them affectionately, but avoid punishing them by shouting or hitting as it will lead them to trauma.

Let’s apply the above tips on your children! Not to forget, Moms should also be good examples to them, that way they would have good intelligence and personality.

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