Boosting child intelligence early on

Fostering the Interest at Reading in Early Childhood

Morinaga - 22 May 2024

Mothers can develop an interest in reading from an early age, even if your little one is not yet proficient or cannot even read. The methods start from reading exciting story books, creating a reading routine, to introducing your little one to various types of interesting and educational children's books. Mothers, read the following article to get more tips and ways to increase your little one's interest in reading.

Create a Reading Routine

One effective way to foster an interest in reading in children is to make reading a daily routine. For example, mothers can read stories to their children before bed every night. Even if it's only for a few minutes, this routine can be a quality moment between mother and child, as well as making it easier for the child to sleep soundly.
Through this reading routine, your little one will develop their vocabulary, increase their imagination and creativity, and form positive habits from an early age. Mothers can choose stories that are appropriate to their little one's age so that they remain interested, don't get bored and want to read more books.
When reading stories, use interesting intonation and expressions to make the reading session more lively and exciting. Invite your little one to follow the dialogue too, Mom. This is a fun way to help your little one love the world of literacy from an early age.

Creating Enjoyable Reading Moments

Reading is not a chore, but a fun activity. So, there is no obligation to finish a story at one time if the child seems bored. You can continue at another time.
Let your child choose the book they want to read, even if that means you have to be prepared to read the same book several times. From repetition, children learn and can understand the contents of the story completely. Mothers, this activity can make your little one feel more involved and motivated. This also helps develop his love of books and the act of reading itself.
To make reading books with your children even more exciting, you can use different voices for each character in the story, thereby adding an interesting dramatic impression. Also give your little one the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the stories they read. This not only deepens their understanding of the story, but also trains your little one's critical thinking and communication skills.
Come on, Mother, try reading a bedtime story like the example here: 10 Bedtime Stories for Children that are Full of Moral Messages.

Inviting Children to Read Stories

After you often read stories to your little one, try occasionally asking your little one to take over and 'read' a story from a favorite book that he may have memorized. This not only strengthens the relationship between Mother and Little One, but also gives him the opportunity to be more active in reading activities.
When your little one is reading a story, you can make the reading session more interactive by stopping for a moment to ask about the pictures on the book pages or what she thinks will happen next. Your little one's answer can surprise you and open up new perspectives for you.
This activity has many benefits, such as improving your little one's ability to communicate and tell stories, as well as training his memory and understanding of the stories he reads. When your little one succeeds in reading or retelling the contents of the book, don't forget to give praise. This will motivate him to continue practicing and increase his confidence in reading.
Apart from that, ask questions that spark your little one's imagination to make reading more interesting. These questions can help develop your little one's creative thinking and make him or her more involved with the story being read.
Your little one not only learns about stories and characters, but also develops a love of books and reading from day to day.

Cultivating Children's Interests with Various Books

Be creative in choosing books. Read various types of children's books, such as fairy tales, fables or children's poetry. Don't stick to just one type. Follow your child's wishes in selecting books. Non-fiction books such as the world of animals or about nature can also be used to broaden children's insight.
Mothers, introducing your little one to various types of books will increase his curiosity and help in forming a well-rounded character. By following your little one's wishes in selecting books, mothers also give him the opportunity to be more involved and enjoy the reading process.
Involve your little one in the process of choosing books when in a bookstore or library. This gives him a sense of ownership and freedom to explore interesting topics. Read books related to your little one's interests and preferences to make reading sessions more interesting.

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