Child Care

6 Parental Mistakes when Teaching Discipline to The Children

Morinaga Platinum - 19 July 2023

6 Parental Mistakes when Teaching Discipline to The Children

In order to manage children’s behavior, parents need to apply discipline. However, teaching discipline is not an easy matter. It takes the right and consistent way so children can understand the meaning of discipline. This requires the support from family and environment so teaching discipline can be done optimally.

Recognize some mistakes that parents often do in teaching discipline:

Being Inconsistent

Moms must give the children a clear, simple and realistic guidance towards their behavior that you expect them to do. Don’t be inconsistent to the rules that have been set. For example: When you tell them to wash the dishes every day, but they don’t do it, give them the agreed consequences, such as prohibiting them reading their favorite story book for a certain time.

Doing Something Inappropriately

When practicing discipline, parents should also be disciplined and behave consistently. If you prohibit littering then you must also do the same. If Moms break the rule in front of their eyes, then apologize to them and explain why you did it.

Excessively Helping the Children

Don’t be too excessive in helping your children when you are teaching them discipline. Excessive help will hamper the learning process to be independent. For example, when you are teaching them to wear shoes, don’t help them even it takes them quite a long time. Even though Moms might be impatient to wait, hold yourself, wait for their response and rush to help them.

Talking Too Much Without Action

If the children don’t do their task, warn them gently. No need to scold them by talking too much as they can be confused with the point of the problem. If Moms don not like their attitude towards something, give examples on how they should behave. The advice that you give should be complimented by the same behavior and show it to them.

Thinking Negatively

Get used to talk to your children in a positive way. Take a positive approach by showing them the correct behavior. For example, when you see them playing with scissors, instead of scolding them, you could talk to them with a positive sentence like, “I don’t want you to get hurt from playing this sharp object. If you need to use it, let me help you.”

Expecting Too Much

Do not assume that your children will quickly understand what you say. If they violate the rules that have been made, remind yourself to keep being fair in the situation. Focus in teaching them how they should behave. This is indeed not an instant thing to do, you must repeat the same thing for them to understand.

Make sure that you avoid the above 6 mistakes in order for the discipline can be well implemented.

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