Every snack that Mom can find outside, actually can be created by yourself at home. Including burgers, little one’s favorite fast food. If Mom is doubting to buy a burger from a fast food restaurant because of the ingredients, then a homemade burger can be the right choice, Mom. Because Mom can decide for yourself the more hygienic, cheaper, and more nutritious ingredients for little one to eat. Let’s take a look at the burger recipe below.
Burger Ingredients:
For 4 Servings
Another Recipe: Baked Stuffed Tomato with Meat Filling
How to Make:
Tip: Put the burger meat on top of the bun before serving it so the buns aren't moist because of the sauce and mayonnaise.
To enrich the nutritional content, Mom can add other vegetables such as paprika, cucumber, or mushrooms. So, little one can not only be full, but also get good nutrition for his/her growth.
As a complement to little one’s nutritional needs, give them 2 glasses of Morinaga Platinum MoriCare Zigma every day. With the best formula containing Alpha Lactalbumin, Choline, and Iron to support Multitalent Intelligence, a combination of 3 good Triple Bifidus bacteria (Bifidobacterium longum BB536, Bifidobacterium breve M-16V & Bifidobacterium infantis M-63) which enhances the Double Body Defense so little one digestive tract is more healthy, not easily get diarrhea, and constipation. And enriched with various vitamins and minerals that are good for optimal growth and development of little one.
Do you like the Morinaga burger recipe? Mom can find other interesting recipes here.
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