Morinaga Chil School Platinum MoriCare+ Triple Bifi, nutrisi lanjutan untuk anak usia 3-12 tahun. Mengandung sinergi nutrisi Probiotik Triple Bifi dan Prebiotik GOS untuk bantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh anak. Selain itu, Morinaga Chil School Platinum MoriCare+ Tripe Bifi dilengkapi juga dengan kandungan Lebih Tinggi DHA, Lebih Tinggi Zat Besi, Lebih Tinggi Kalsium dan Vitamin D, serta Zero Sugar untuk dukung tumbuh kembang Si Kecil lebih optimal. Dukung Si Kecil Raih Mimpi Besarnya sejak dini karena #WaktuTakBisaKembali
Quality nutrition in early life is a determinant of child intelligence and health quality in the future
Merupakan asam lemak esensial rantai panjang yang penting dalam struktur dan perkembangan otak.
Konsentrat Protein Whey (Mengandung Alfa Laktalbumin 468 mg/ saji)
Memiliki kandungan asam amino esensial yang tinggi dan membantu memperbaiki profil asam amino sehingga lebih mendekati ASI, yang dapat mengurangi gangguan pencernaan sehingga akan meningkatkan kualitas tidur pada anak, ini penting karena kualitas tidur yang baik dapat mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan otak.
Menunjang perkembangan sel syaraf dan memperkuat daya ingat (memori).
Zat Besi
Play a role in the process of developing the nervous system
Omega 3 & Omega 6
Asam lemak esensial yang merupakan bahan pembentuk AA & DHA.
A group of lipids / fats which are the main components of cell membranes, including brain cells.
Triple Bifidus
Merupakan gabungan 3 bakteri baik Bifidobacterium longum BB536, Bifidobacterium breve M-16V, Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis M-63 which plays a role in digestive tract health & supports optimal immune system.
Serat Pangan GOS
Meningkatkan jumlah bakteri baik di saluran pencernaan.
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh untuk membantu melawan infeksi saluran nafas dan saluran cerna.
Vitamin A, C, E, dan Zinc
Vitamin A helps to maintain the integrity of the surface layers (eyes, digestive tract, respiratory tract, and skin).
Adequate consumption of Vitamin C, E & Zinc can contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.
Kalsium, Vitamin D dan Magnesium
Plays a role in bone formation and maintains bone and tooth density.
Merupakan sumber protein sebagai komponen penting dalam tumbuh kembang Si Kecil.
14 Vitamin & 9 Mineral
Untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi harian Si Kecil yang penting untuk tumbuh kembang yang optimal.
Zero Sugar
Contains 0 grams of sucrose.
Takaran Saji 46 g (7 sendok takar)
17 Sajian per Kemasan
Energi Total | 200 kkal | |
Energi dari lemak | 50 kkal | |
%AKG | ||
Lemak Total | 6 g | 9 % |
Lemak Trans | 0 | |
Kolesterol | 5 mg | 2 % |
AA | 5,1 mg | |
DHA | 30 mg | |
Fosfolipid | 37 mg | |
Omega 6 | 690 mg | |
Omega 3 | 152 mg | |
Asam Linoleat | 552 mg | 4 % |
Asam Alfa-Linolenat | 80 mg | 6 % |
Lemak Jenuh | 2,5 g | 12 % |
Protein | 6 g | 9 % |
Laktoferin | 9,2 mg | |
Nukleotida | 2 mg | |
Taurin | 9,2 mg | |
Karbohidrat Total | 31 g | 10 % |
Serat Pangan | 1 g | 2 % |
GOS | 460 mg | |
Gula Total | 13 g | |
Gula (Sukrosa) | 0 g | |
Laktosa | 8 g | |
Garam (Natrium) | 140 mg | 9% |
Vitamin & Mineral | ||
Vitamin A | 25% | |
Vitamin C | 30% | |
Vitamin D | 25% | |
Vitamin E | 20% | |
Vitamin K | 20% | |
Vitamin B1 (Tiamin) | 20% | |
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) | 20% | |
Vitamin B3 (Niasin) | 20% | |
Vitamin B5 (Asam Pantotenat) | 25% | |
Vitamin B6 (Piridoksin) | 20% | |
Vitamin B9 (Asam folat) | 20% | |
Vitamin B12 (Kobalamin) | 20% | |
Biotin | 20% | |
Kolin | 6% | |
Kalium | 6% | |
Kalsium | 25% | |
Besi | 25% | |
Fosfor | 20% | |
Magnesium | 10% | |
Zinc | 30% | |
Komponen lain: | ||
Inositol | 37 mg | |
Klorida | 161 mg | |
Bifidobacterium longum BB536 | 6,4x107 cfu | |
Bifidobacterium breve M-16V | 6,4x107 cfu | |
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis M-63 | 6,4x107 cfu |
Wash your hands with soap and flowing water, then dry.
Pour 180 ml of warm cooked water (± 40°C) into a clean bottle or glass.
Add 7 leveled scoops (46g) Chil School Platinum MoriCare+ Triple Bifi of using the provided scoop.
Mix until dissolved. Check the temperature of the milk. Chil School Platinum MoriCare+ Triple Bifi is ready to serve and consume immediately.
After mixing, immediately consume the milk. Leftovers must be thrown away if not consumed for more than 2 hours after being mixed.
Morinaga Platinum Formula with Lactoferrin has been proven clinically in reducing gastrointestinal infections and upper respiratory tract infections for our Little One's optimal growth.
Reference of Morinaga's Data File: The effects of formula enriched with lactoferrin against URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) and gastroinestinal infections. This research was conducted on 101 children aged 12-32 months for 4 months. Double mixed research, control and placebo, Japanese community research.Get Product
Chil School Platinum MoriCare+ Triple Bifi
Flavor : ♦ Weight :
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Rp 132.000,00
BeliBreastmilk is good for babies aged 0-6 months, and can be given until the baby is 2 years old with compatible weaning food. Giving breastmilk provides lots of benefits, including strengthening the bond between Mom and child.
Selain itu Kalbe juga ikut mendukung :Kalbe Nutritionals supports principles of World Health Organization International Code of marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (WHO Code) and national regulations that aims to protect and promote exclusive breastmilk feeding.
Kalbe Nutritionals complies to all rules that apply in Indonesia, especially Government Regulation (PP) No. 33 year 2012 regarding Exclusive Breastmilk; Health Ministerial Regulation No. 39 year 2013 regarding Formula Milk and Other Products for Babies; and Health Ministerial Regulation No. 58 year 2016 regarding Sponsorship for Health Workers as executors of WHO Code in Indonesia.
Choosing food and nutrition for babies and children is a complex challenge. We have to consider various factors, including socio-economic, environment, and culture. An advanced education is needed to provide knowledge about nutritional adequacy and healthy nutrition.
Morinaga Milk Powder, the perfect nutrition for children which is equipped with MoriCare Probiotic Triple Bifidus to support their intelligence, and optimal growth and development.
Contact our customer service for consulting our product problems.