Parenting Parenting

Do Not Underestimate the Negative Impact of Children Who Use Cell Phone Too Long

Morinaga ♦ 4 June 2024

Do Not Underestimate the Negative Impact of Children Who Use Cell Phone Too Long

The consequences of playing on cellphones for too long for children can cause eye problems, sleep cycles and decreased social abilities. Therefore, playing on a cellphone needs to be given a screen time limit because if not, it could affect the growth and development process. However, it seems difficult for mothers to limit it, considering the large amount of interesting, entertaining and educational content for your little one that is presented via cellphone.

In this article, you will find an explanation regarding the consequences if your little one plays on their cellphone for too long, the impact on their psychological development, the recommended screen time limits, and how to reduce your little one's dependence on their cellphone. So, make sure to read until the end, okay?

The Negative Impact of Playing on a Cell Phone for Too Long on Your Little One
Playing on your cellphone for too long can harm your little one's eye health because exposure to light causes the eyes to dry out and get tired more quickly.

A study published in MyKidsVision conducted in Ireland also showed that children who looked at screens for more than 3 hours per day were four times more likely to suffer from myopia or nearsightedness than children who looked at screens for only one hour per day.

Apart from that, your little one's uncontrolled use of a cell phone can disrupt his sleep cycle, for example he often stays up late because he is too attached to the content presented on the screen, such as games and videos. Sleep disorders that are not treated immediately will have an impact on physical health.

The Effect of Cell Phones on Your Little One's Psychological Development
Research published in PLoS One and conducted in Nagoya, Japan, shows that the duration of mobile device use is closely related to behavioral problems and difficulty focusing in your little one, no matter how positive the content he accesses.

In fact, a recent study published in PLoS One shows that more than half of digital games contain elements of violence. As a result, it is likely that your little one will also access similar content repeatedly. This can lead to a decrease in social behavior, such as being easily anxious and angry.

Excessive interaction with a cellphone for too long also risks making your little one less able to communicate with his surroundings.

Time Limit for Your Little One to Play Mobile Phone
After knowing some of the negative impacts of playing on your little one's cellphone for too long, mothers need to know the recommended duration of time for playing on their cellphone so as not to harm their little one's health.

For children aged 2-12 years, the time recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics in Pediatrics is 2 hours per day outside of cell phone use while studying. Mothers can adjust the recommended screen time according to their little one's needs.

How to Eliminate Children's Cell Phone Dependence
Changing your little one's habits is not an easy thing, especially since cell phones have become part of everyday life. However, mothers still have to try to emphasize their boundaries when using cellular devices for the sake of good health and growth and development.

Here are some things you can do to help divert your little one's attention from the cellphone screen:

Start Slowly
Start slowly, for example by exchanging 30 minutes of playing time on your cellphone by inviting your little one to help you cook or take a nap.

Spend Time Chatting
Mothers can invite your little one to chat and ask about their activities at school. Also pay full attention when your little one speaks.

Create a cellphone-free area at home
Invite other family members to get used to being disciplined with cell phones so that your little one can follow the example.

Playing Outdoors
Invite your little one to go for a walk or play in the park and field around the house. This can also improve his physical health.

One type of content that is often accessed by children aged 2-12 years on cellphones is game content. So, apart from the methods above, mothers can also introduce offline games to their little ones which are no less exciting than online games.

Come on, make your little one slowly reduce his time playing on his cellphone by inviting him to play educational games. Come on, take a look at some of the recommended games here: Educational Games to Increase Your Little One's Intelligence.


MyKidsVision. Screen time for children: how much is ok? Accessed April 7, 2024.
PLos ONE. Association between mobile technology use and child adjustment in early elementary school age. Accessed April 7, 2024.
Pediatrics. Media Use in School-Aged Children and Adolescents. Accessed April 16, 2024.