Nutrition Nutrition

High Fiber Vegetables That Are Good for Your Little One's Digestion

Morinaga ♦ 8 September 2024

High Fiber Vegetables That Are Good for Your Little One's Digestion

During their development, children often experience constipation. This usually happens when they adapt to important changes, such as the introduction of solid foods, toilet training, or entering school. By routinely consuming high-fiber vegetables, your little one can avoid digestive problems.

Fiber is an important nutrient that is highly recommended when experiencing digestive disorders such as constipation. Fiber helps balance the number of bacteria in the intestines so that the digestive tract functions optimally. So, what vegetables are fiber-rich and good for your little one's digestion? Let's discuss further!


Broccoli is one of the vegetables that is rich in fiber. The fiber content in broccoli helps smooth the digestive system and prevents constipation which is often experienced by children.

According to Medical News Today, the fiber in broccoli can smooth bowel movements, maintain digestive tract health, and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Although broccoli has a slightly bitter taste and is often not liked by children, you can cook it into delicious and attractive dishes, such as steamed broccoli, broccoli soup, or stir-fried broccoli mixed with fried rice. This way, your little one will be more interested in consuming it.


Did you know? Spinach is also rich in fiber and is very good for maintaining children's digestive health. The fiber in spinach speeds up bowel movements and ensures that waste disposal runs smoothly. Fiber works by increasing the volume of feces and drawing water into the intestines, making feces easier to remove.

To get your little one to like spinach dishes, you can try making fresh clear spinach soup or processing it into a delicious spinach omelet. This menu variation will help your little one not get bored of eating spinach.


Carrots are another high-fiber vegetable that is very good for your little one's digestion. Carrots contain two types of fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber in carrots helps soften stools, making it easier to defecate.

Meanwhile, insoluble fiber helps increase stool volume and speeds up the movement of food through the digestive tract.
To make carrots more attractive to your little one, you can cook them into carrot soup or healthy snacks such as carrot muffins. Carrot juice can also be a refreshing alternative if your little one doesn't like vegetables in food form.


Peas are also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, which are very useful for treating digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. The fiber in peas helps protect gut health by reducing the risk of digestive disorders.

Moms can add peas to soups or use them as a filling for savory cakes such as cookies or pastries. This variation makes peas more easily accepted by your little one.


Cabbage contains high levels of phytosterols and insoluble fiber, which helps your little one have regular bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive system. Cabbage also supports the immune system by feeding good bacteria in the gut.

For processing, Moms can finely chop cabbage and add it to your little one's favorite soup or stir-fry. Cabbage can also be a delicious filling in spring rolls.

Sources of Healthy Fiber Other Than Vegetables

In addition to vegetables, fiber can also be found in dairy products that contain GOS (Galacto-oligosaccharides). GOS is a prebiotic fiber that comes from carbohydrates and supports the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Giving milk containing GOS can help meet your little one's fiber needs, especially if their vegetable intake is lacking.

One of the milk that contains GOS is Morinaga Chil Kid Platinum MoriCare + Triple Bifi. This milk is equipped with GOS fiber which functions to increase the number of good bacteria in the digestive tract, as well as other nutrients such as DHA, Iron, Calcium, and Vitamin D to support optimal growth and development and multi-talented intelligence of your little one.

Moms, let's get to know more about the benefits of Morinaga Chil Kid Platinum MoriCare+ Triple Bifi as a source of healthy fiber besides vegetables for your little one. Learn more by visiting Morinaga Chil Kid Platinum and make sure your little one gets the best nutritional intake every day.

Click Doctor. Various Benefits of Fiber for Body Health. Accessed on August 25, 2024.
Medical News Today. The health benefits of broccoli. Accessed on August 25, 2024.
Cleveland Clinic. What's the Difference Between Soluble and Insoluble Fiber? Accessed August 25, 2024.