Boosting child intelligence early on

3 Pillars to Make Children Multitalented

Morinaga - 14 June 2024

Multitalent is a term for someone who has talent and masters skills in more than one field. Generally, multitalented children have intelligence, creativity or skills that are far beyond the average child their age.

It is not difficult to make children's creativity a reality, as long as you are able to provide 3 important pillars to support their big dreams. The three pillars in question are Potential, Attention and Nutrition. If you are curious about how these three pillars can support your little one's growth and development more optimally, come on, read more in the following review.

Getting to Know Multitalented Children

Multitalented children can be seen in children who show extraordinary potential in many aspects such as academics, sports, arts and music. In this case, these talents can be talents that your little one is born with, or they can also come from something that your little one is interested in, loves and learns about.

Therefore, it is important for mothers to introduce many things, identify and focus on areas that they like, so that later they can become multi-talented children. Because, by being a multitalented child, his development will be maximized. He can explore what he likes, build self-confidence, develop brain performance, and express himself in new ways.

On the other hand, there are several examples of abilities that indicate that your little one is multitalented, for example he is quick at learning things, easy to focus and concentrate, has a strong memory, and is also creative.

Pillars for Making Your Little One Multitalented

Your little one's talents or talents need to be nurtured so that he or she grows into a versatile individual. The support Mother gave him included:

Developing the Pillars of Your Little One's Potential

Your little one's potential can be maximized through choosing learning modalities or styles, as well as identifying multiple intelligences. There are 4 types of learning modalities, namely visual (learning by seeing), auditory (learning through hearing), tactile (learning through touch), and kinesthetic (learning through action and movement).

If you want to know which method is suitable for your little one, try observing his every action and focusing on his favorite activities. Then, find the right way to guide your little one so that his potential can develop optimally.

Apart from modalities, mothers need to recognize multiple intelligences as a natural factor in their little one, with the aim of seeing the best potential he has. This intelligence includes linguistic (verbal ability), logical-mathematical (numbers, patterns and logical reasoning), spatial (seeing things easily), musical (understanding melodies and music), bodily kinesthetic (the ability to perform high levels of physical activity), interpersonal ( easy to get along with other people), and intrapersonal (good at understanding oneself), and naturalistic (sensitivity to nature).

Recognizing the multiple intelligences that are dominant in your little one allows mothers to organize activities that are in accordance with their natural potential.

Providing Pillars in the form of Attention to your Little One

Mother and Father are the gateway to education and the main teachers for your little one, therefore proper attention from Mother and Father will be able to improve the direction of his life. For this reason, mothers can provide this attention by implementing a caring parenting style for their little one.

Mothers can do this attention in many simple ways, for example through reading and playing together, as well as inviting your little one to chat deeply every day. In order for maximum potential to be achieved, this type of parenting needs to be done consistently.

Attention is also given by always paying attention to your little one's growth and development. Mothers need to understand whether their growth has been optimal, and whether their development is progressing according to their age. If there are aspects of growth and development that are lagging behind, mothers need to immediately catch up through improving nutrition or consulting a doctor.

Fulfilling the Needs of Your Little One's Nutritional Pillars

Nutrition is another form of attention from mothers and is a crucial factor in supporting the development of your little one's potential to make him multitalented. Because nutrition has a positive impact that is immediately visible on physical condition and intelligence.

Mothers can provide nutrition through intake that contains balanced nutrition. Mothers also need to pay more attention by focusing on certain nutrients that increase intelligence and support your little one's development. If these nutrients are met properly, then growth and development will be optimal, he will have double body defense, so that he has enough energy to explore various new things that are not yet known.

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