Soft Mexican Chocolate Bun Recipe

Morinaga Platinum   ♦   26 November 2019

Soft Mexican Chocolate Bun Recipe
  • 3-12 Years

Nutrition Information

  • Energy 0
  • Protein 0
  • Fiber 0
  • Fat 0
  • Carbohydrate 0

If Moms could make it yourself at home, Moms doesn’t need to buy snacks outside that are unnecessarily healthy. Do you agree, Moms? Like mexican bun or better known as bun. The sweet aroma of a bun always managed to arouse the appetite. Now, Moms doesn't need to go all the way to the mall to get it, because Morinaga has a special Chocolate Bun recipe that Moms must try. Curious how to make it? Read the following recipe:


  • 500 g of high protein wheat flour
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 10 g of instant yeast
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100 g of butter
  • 150 ml of water
  • 40 g of cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of chocolate paste
  • 40 g of Morinaga Chil School Platinum MoriCare Zigma Chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon of bread improver
  • 1 teaspoon of salt


  • 150 g of chocolate sprinkles

Spread :

  • 3 egg yolks
  • 4 tablespoons of liquid milk


Another Recipe: Chocolate Donut Satay

How to make:

  1. Mix flour, sugar, instant yeast, Morinaga Chil School Platinum MoriCare Zigma Chocolate flavor, chocolate powder, bread improver , and salt. Stir it well.

  2. Add the egg yolks and chocolate paste, stir it well.

  3. Pour the water while kneading it until smooth.

  4. Add the butter, knead again until dough is completely smooth.

  5. Round the dough, cover with a clean napkin.

  6. Let stand for 1 hour so that the dough expands double size.

  7. Flatten the dough, cut into 40 g. Fill with 1 tablespoon of chocolate sprinkles, round it again.

  8. Arrange the dough that has been formed on a baking pan that already spread with margarine.

  9. Brush the surface of the bread with the ingredients spread. Let stand for 25 minutes.

  10. Bake in an oven with a temperature of 200 °C for 20 minutes. Lift and ready to serve.


For 20 pieces


Tip: Use high-protein wheat flour for bread dough so that the texture is smooth.

Have you succeeded in making soft, dry, unbroken, strong-flavored buns, Moms? As a snack for Little One, chocolate-filled bun is perfect when served warm with a glass of Morinaga Platinum MoriCare Zigma .

To complete its nutritional needs, Morinaga Platinum MoriCare Zigma is enriched with Alpha Lactalbumin to improve thinking ability, Choline to strengthen memory, and good AA & DHA to accelerate comprehension. Moreover, the new formula of MoriCare Zigma is equipped with a combination of three good bacteria Triple Bifidus that protects your Little One so that your Little One doesn't get sick easily when doing activities. And also equipped with a variety of vitamins and minerals that work together to make Little One grows into a Multitalent Platinum Generation.

Want to know other healthy snack recipes? Click the following link:


Chocolate Bun

Other Recipe