Since many benefits are known, beets have become one of the processed idols of the parents for little one’s food. This maroon colored fruit is included in the type of tubers that are useful for boosting immunity, smooth the digestive tract, and have a high antibiotic content. That’s why, Morinaga has a special recipe that makes beetroot processed be fancied by little one. Come, see the following complete recipe of Beetroot Soup, Mom:
How to Make:
Another Recipe: Strawberry Jam Roll Cake
For 5 Servings
Usually little one rejects beetroot because it smells. That’s why, make sure Mom boils the beets first to remove the scent. After it boils, little one must be more interested because the aroma is more delicious.
Though the beets have a lot of benefits, however it’s not enough to fulfill little one’s nutrition needs. That’s why Mom must prepare 3 glasses of Morinaga Platinum MoriCare Zigma milk with Triple Bifidus everyday. Every glass of Morinaga Platinum contains Alpha Lactalbumin, Choline, AA & DHA, and Iron to help increase Multitalent Intelligence. Also equipped with a combination of 3 good bacteria in Triple Bifidus which is good for double body defense, as well as vitamins and minerals to actualize optimal growth of the little one.
Besides the soup recipe from beetroot, Morinaga provides other processed fruit. Visit the following link:
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