Morinaga Chil*Go Ready-to-drink sterilized liquid milk for children and families aged 1 year and above, suitable as a nutritious supplement and a delicious snack during school or while engaging in activities or playing outdoors.
Inulin Dietary Fiber
Derived from Chicory plants, it serves as:
A source of natural fiber
Food for good bacteria in the gut, helping maintain digestive health and strengthening physical endurance
Helps meet the daily nutritional needs of families, including children.
Merupakan pendamping dari susu Morinaga Chil Kid atau Chil School yang dapat diminum 2 botol sehari sebagai bekal sekolah dan bermain diluar rumah.
Serat Pangan Inulin
yang terkandung dalam Morinaga Chil*Go berasal dari tumbuhan Chicory berfungsi sebagai:
Membantu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi harian keluarga termasuk si Kecil
Takaran saji: 2 Botol (250 ml)
Jumlah sajian per kemasan 1
Isi Bersih |
130 ml |
Takaran Saji |
250 ml (2 botol) |
PER KEMASAN (130 ml) |
PER SAJIAN (250 ml) |
Energi Total |
90 kkal |
170 kkal |
Energi dari Lemak |
15 kkal |
30 kkal |
Energi dari Lemak Jenuh |
5 kkal |
10 kkal |
% AKG* |
Lemak Total |
2 g |
3% |
3,5 g |
5% |
Lemak Trans |
0 g |
0 g |
Kolesterol |
0 mg |
0% |
0 mg |
0% |
Lemak Jenuh |
0,5 g |
3% |
1 g |
5% |
Protein |
4 g |
6% |
7 g |
11% |
Karbohidrat Total |
14 g |
5% |
28 g |
9% |
Serat Pangan |
2 g |
5% |
3 g |
10% |
Inulin |
2g |
3 g |
Gula Total |
11 g |
23 g |
Laktosa |
5 g |
12 g |
Gula (Sukrosa) |
6 g |
10 g |
Garam (Natrium) |
45 mg |
3% |
90 mg |
6% |
Vitamin A |
15% |
30% |
Vitamin D |
15% |
25% |
Vitamin E |
20% |
35% |
Vitamin B1 (Tiamin) |
15% |
30% |
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) |
15% |
30% |
Vitamin B3 (Niasin) |
20% |
35% |
Vitamin B5 (Asam Pantotenat) |
30% |
55% |
Vitamin B6 (Piridoksin) |
20% |
35% |
Vitamin B9 (Asam Folat) |
20% |
35% |
Vitamin B12 (Kobalamin) |
6% |
10% |
Kalium |
6% |
Kalsium |
15% |
25% |
Besi |
15% |
25% |
Fosfor |
15% |
25% |
Magnesium |
8% |
15% |
Seng |
15% |
25% |
Iodium |
30% |
55% |
Komponen lain: |
Inositol |
6 mg |
12 mg |
*% AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2150 kkal. Kebutuhan energi Anda mungkin lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah. |
Pada tahun 2019, Morinaga Chil*Go! berkolaborasi dengan Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) Jawa Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) serta Pemerintah Daerah NTT melakukan riset secara independen dampak suplementasi nutrisi terhadap Anak Pra-Sekolah Usia 3-6 tahun selama 6 bulan.
* Hasil Riset Independen Kolaborasi KALBE Nutritionals dengan IDAI Jawa Timur & NTT serta pemerintah NTT terhadap anak usia 3-6 tahun di Kupang selama 6 bulan tahun 2019.Get Product
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Luna Baby Shop 888,
Jakarta Pusat
Rp 132.000,00
BeliBreastmilk is good for babies aged 0-6 months, and can be given until the baby is 2 years old with compatible weaning food. Giving breastmilk provides lots of benefits, including strengthening the bond between Mom and child.
Selain itu Kalbe juga ikut mendukung :Kalbe Nutritionals supports principles of World Health Organization International Code of marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (WHO Code) and national regulations that aims to protect and promote exclusive breastmilk feeding.
Kalbe Nutritionals complies to all rules that apply in Indonesia, especially Government Regulation (PP) No. 33 year 2012 regarding Exclusive Breastmilk; Health Ministerial Regulation No. 39 year 2013 regarding Formula Milk and Other Products for Babies; and Health Ministerial Regulation No. 58 year 2016 regarding Sponsorship for Health Workers as executors of WHO Code in Indonesia.
Choosing food and nutrition for babies and children is a complex challenge. We have to consider various factors, including socio-economic, environment, and culture. An advanced education is needed to provide knowledge about nutritional adequacy and healthy nutrition.
Morinaga Milk Powder, the perfect nutrition for children which is equipped with MoriCare Probiotic Triple Bifidus to support their intelligence, and optimal growth and development.
Contact our customer service for consulting our product problems.