Nutrition Nutrition

Important Nutrition to Optimize Children's Intelligence

Morinaga ♦ 1 August 2017

Important Nutrition to Optimize Children's Intelligence

Your little one needs adequate nutritional intake to optimize his intelligence potential. From protein, omega 3 and 6, choline, iron, to alpha lactalbumin, all play a vital role in helping children's cognitive development. Mother, let's understand more about what nutrients play an important role in developing your little one's intelligence in this article.
Alpha Lactalbumin

Alpha lactalbumin is an essential protein that is widely contained in breast milk. In the breast milk glands, these nutrients play a role in stimulating the production and release of breast milk, so that the milk produced can meet your little one's needs.
This nutrition also ensures that the amount of amino acids needed during growth and development is optimally met. Amino acids are an important component in the development of your little one's brain so that his intelligence potential can be achieved optimally.
Apart from that, alpha lactalbumin also makes a big contribution to improving your little one's immune system. With a strong immune system, your little one will get sick less often, which is very important so that he can learn and develop without obstacles. This nutrition, with all its benefits, is the main key to ensuring your little one's health and intelligence is maintained from an early age.

Choline is a key nutrient that contributes greatly to supporting your little one's intelligence development. Its function is very vital in stimulating the formation of brain cells and helping develop your little one's memory, so that he can learn more effectively. In children whose daily menu also contains choline, their verbal and visual memory skills are generally better.
You can find these nutrients in various types of food that may already be part of the family menu, such as milk, egg yolks and soybeans. Apart from that, oatmeal, beef, chicken, peanut butter, wheat, potatoes and broccoli are also good sources of choline.
There are still many benefits of choline for your little one's growth and development. Let's look at the benefits here, Mom: Benefits of Choline and Iron for the Growth and Development of Your Little One.
Omega 3 and Omega 6

Omega 3 and omega 6 are essential fatty acids which play a crucial role in supporting your little one's intelligence. These fatty acids are very important in building nerve cell sheaths in the brain, which helps speed up the process of transmitting nerve signals. Omega 3 and omega 6 play a role in the formation and function of brain nerve cell membranes, which support your little one's learning and memory abilities.
Omega 3, especially EPA and DHA, is very important in the development of your little one's cognitive and brain function. DHA plays a key role in the development and maintenance of nerve cell structure, which is essential for the transmission of nerve impulses. This helps improve your little one's memory abilities and learning process.
Meanwhile, EPA influences cognitive function by regulating inflammation and supporting healthy blood flow to the brain, which is important for maintaining effective learning responses and behavioral adaptations. Meanwhile, omega 6 supports brain function by playing a role in forming nerve cell membranes and regulating nerve signals.
You can find Omega 6 in vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil and sunflower seed oil, as well as in nuts and seeds. Meanwhile, omega 3 is divided into two types, namely long chain omega 3 (EPA and DHA) and short chain omega 3 (ALA). ALA is found in many plant sources such as flaxseeds, walnuts, and soybeans. Meanwhile, EPA and DHA are generally found in sea fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.
Because there is a lot of DHA and EPA in fish, you can also get it in fish oil products. There are many benefits of omega 3 in this fish oil, including speeding up the learning process and overcoming sleep disorders. For clarity, let's look at this discussion about fish oil: Come on, let's find out the benefits of fish oil for children.

Iron helps optimize your little one's intelligence by maintaining their concentration in school. Iron deficiency is known to cause reduced cognitive function, language skills and motor development of your little one.
Iron is an important component in the production of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to the brain and throughout the body. Lack of oxygen can affect your ability to think and concentrate, Mom. Therefore, ensure your little one has enough iron by serving beef, liver, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, broccoli or strawberries.
Nutrients in Dairy Products

To ensure your little one's nutritional needs are met, mothers can give him growth milk such as Morinaga Chil Kid Platinum and Chil Kid Gold. These two products contain important nutrients that support the development of your little one's brain and body.