Parenting Parenting

The Right Parenting Style to Boost Child Intelligence

Morinaga ♦ 1 March 2017

The Right Parenting Style to Boost Child Intelligence

The right parenting style not only helps in forming your little one's academic intelligence, but also your little one's emotional and social intelligence. Every step you take in parenting certainly has a big impact on your child's brain development and ability to face the world. Mothers, let's find out more about effective parenting patterns to support your little one's growth and development.

The Influence of Parenting Patterns on Your Little One's Intelligence
Intelligence is not just about academic ability, but also includes emotional and social intelligence. According to Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, there are 8+1 multiple intelligences possessed by each individual, namely linguistic, mathematical logical, musical, kinesthetic, visual spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and moral intelligence. If this intelligence is honed properly from an early age, it will reach its maximum potential.

Responsive parenting, where mothers actively listen and respond to your little one's needs, can help him develop self-confidence and strong social skills. Consistency in providing support and guidance also encourages children to continue learning and exploring the world around them.

Apart from that, parenting styles that prioritize learning through play and social interaction can improve children's cognitive abilities. When you include fun activities with children's life lessons, your little one not only learns about facts and figures, but also about critical thinking and solving problems. For example, through games that require turns, your little one learns about cooperation and empathy, two important components of emotional intelligence.

It's important to remember, Mother, that every child is unique and requires a different approach. Listening to and observing your little one's interests and way of learning will help you adapt the most effective teaching methods. By supporting your little one's natural curiosity, mothers not only help hone their intelligence, but also build a strong foundation for their little one's personal and academic growth in the future.

Parenting Patterns that Support Your Little One's Intelligence
Mother, providing the right parenting style is the main key in optimizing your little one's intelligence development and optimal growth and development process. Here are some tips:

Increase Mother-Father Contact with Your Little One
The best learning tool for your little one that cannot be replaced by technology or TV programs is direct contact with Mom and Dad. Rich interactions between parents and children provide the essential stimulation necessary for the development of deep emotional bonds.

Simple activities such as talking to your little one from infancy, giving a warm smile, and reading stories before bed, can be effective ways to stimulate their development.

In addition, giving positive feedback and praising your little one's efforts, not just the results, will help build his or her self-confidence and motivation to continue learning. Through this loving and supportive approach, Mom and Dad not only help your little one to grow into an intelligent individual, but also develop the social and emotional skills that are important for his future success.

One activity that can increase intimate contact between mother and little one is in the form of a fairy tale. Want to try reading fairy tales to him so that his social intelligence becomes more mature? Come on, find the fairy tales in this article: 10 Bedtime Tales Full of Moral Messages.

Early Stimulation
Mothers, early stimulation is an important key in developing your little one's brain. Starting from infancy, activities such as talking, showing picture books and playing music can stimulate your little one's sensory and cognitive development.

These activities help in the formation of strong neural connectivity which is essential for future intelligence growth. In addition, a daily routine that involves learning while playing can improve cognitive abilities and enrich your little one's learning experience.

Social interaction
Social interaction also plays a big role in the development of children's intelligence. Through playing and interacting with peers or adults, your little one learns about empathy, sharing and resolving conflicts.

This process not only helps your little one understand other people's feelings, but also develops critical thinking skills and the ability to adapt to different social environments. Mothers can support this process by organizing playdates or involving their little ones in positive and educational group activities.

Provide Appropriate Challenges
Mothers can provide challenges that are appropriate to your little one's age and abilities to stimulate the growth of your little one's intelligence. These challenges can be puzzles, games that require problem solving, or physical activities that require coordination and dexterity.