10 Ways On How To Become Smart Parents In Digital Era

Morinaga Platinum ♦ 23 August 2024

10 Ways On How To Become Smart Parents In Digital Era

The era of globalization is getting closer to all of us, a period in which anyone can access information easily, anytime, anywhere. This applies to anyone, including the Little One. Keep in mind that this vast amount of information if not filtered properly can have a negative impact on the Little One. Of course, it becomes a challenge for Mommy in educating the Little One.

The survey by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics in 2014 stated that at least 30 million children and adolescents in Indonesia are internet users, where 80 percent of respondents use the internet to search data as well as information and 39% to access video sites. The conclusion is that technology is part of the lifestyle of the present era, both for us and for the Little One.

For the Little One, digital technology is like a coin that has two sides, negative and positive. Benefits of digital technology, among others, are to help the learning process, sharpen creativity, facilitate communication, and others. While the negative side can be a decrease in learning achievement due to excessive use, can make the Little One lazy in doing physical activity needed during the growth period, can be a brain development which is not optimal because of the imbalanced stimulation development, can be eye health problems, can cause the sleep duration to lessen, until cyber bullying.

Daddy and Mommy who are certainly the closest person to the Little One is expected to accompany him/her well. This is a challenge in educating, raising, and preparing for a qualified future. Here are some ways for Daddy and Mommy to prepare the Little One in the digital age:

  1. Daddy and Mommy should give a positive example in behaving to the Little One.
  2. Daddy and Mommy should be able to find out the hobby, interest, or activity of the Little One, to be able to do it together.
  3. Daddy and Mommy should respond to every behavior of the Little One. If the Little One is behaving well, give praise, if he/she behaves badly, give your Little One an understanding about how bad that behaviour.
  4. Daddy and Mommy can help the Little One to to socialize to the environment around her home.
  5. Daddy and Mommy should be able to guide the Little One so that he/she is able to think critically and have a principle that is not easily influenced by negative things from his/her environment. Invite the Little One to have a discussion by describing the positive and negative things, also the reasons. Give him/her a chance to have an opinion and appreciate his/her opinion.
  6. Develop a sense of responsibility for the Little One so that he is able to consider things carefully before deciding something and willing to accept konskuensi when making mistakes.
  7. Support the Keci to explore his interests and talents in activities that do not involve the devices (gadgets).
  8. Accompany the Little when using the device (gadget).
  9. Accompany the Little One when he/she is watching news or watching movies.
  10. Provide knowledge about religion from the Little One’s early age.

Digital era education is emphasizing more on the formation of the Little One’s Personality, both in intelligence, emotion, social also sprilitual aspect. Use the device with creative play stimulation. Identify your Little One’s Complete intelligence at Morinaga Multiple Intelligence Play Plan and discover various game ideas that you can do with your Little One at home. The stimulation provided will correspond to the dominant multiple intelligences possessed by the Little One.

To build a personality who is ready to face the demands of the digital age is a challenge that is not easy. This is why education is a shared responsibility of Daddy and Mommy, school, and community. Therefore, be a good role model for the Little One.